From generation to generation

Write about a few of your favorite family traditions. I believe traditional are important. They are away to pass down values, ideas, songs, foods, ect, from one generation to the others. One family tradition is taking a few moments on Friday night to light shabbat candles, singing a prayer of being close to one’s family.Continue reading “From generation to generation”

Family Thanksgiving Activities.

Family Thanksgiving activities can be a wonderful way to bond, create lasting memories, and celebrate the spirit of gratitude together. Here are some ideas for engaging activities: 1. Gratitude jar: Encourage each family member to write down things they are grateful for on small pieces of paper and place them in a jar. During ThanksgivingContinue reading “Family Thanksgiving Activities.”

Silly last-minute Halloween costumes ideas.

Got a Halloween party and am not sure what to wear.  Do you want something to wear or something creative?  Well, you are in luck. Here are some silly simple costumes I came up with.  I hope you enjoy it. Yes most of these are cheesy  Step 1: Take a white shirtStep 2:  DrawContinue reading “Silly last-minute Halloween costumes ideas.”


It’s football season which also means people will be Tailgating. No, tailgating can be intimidating to some but I’m here to ease your mind and show that tailgating can’t be fun and you just need a few friends to tailgate with.   I’ve been going to football games for about 20 years now how about howeverContinue reading “TAILGATE TIPS FOR 2023…”